nature 's sunshine is an independent distributor of quality service integrity

Lil bit o' Dec *Jan 24

Nella Jenkins • Jan 06, 2024
Lil bit o' Dec *Jan 24

  WOW! The TOP Consultant for this month is: Cust : 194991

  Well I have no idea who Customer 194991 is but I’m so proud of you! You are number 1 on the Sales Team of NSP Herbalists in the month 

Right close to 194991 are the following Ladies and Gentlemen:

Robin Billings                Tonya McDonald                   

Judy & Michael Brooks (wow you're moving on up!) 


Cust # 70071570           Carol Walker            Chris Burke             

Rhonda Hendrix, CH    Michaelyn Walker                     

Rebekah Gonzales         Susan Adams           Cust # 70941474 

Brenda Upchurch         Judy Gray Cust #205360   


Web Store Customers:

Mabel Horton              Evelyn Newton              Nancy Birchfield


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all yawl! I hope it’s a special time for you this year. I’ve cut way down on Christmas decorations since I moved in with Mom out here in the country. So instead of 25-30 totes I’m down to 15 maybe. I find the older I get the more things are ok if I don’t do as much as I used to. I’m so blessed.

Yours's truly hosted my family that lives here locally in the metroplex, Christmas Eve.  Then the out of town family came in for New Years Eve week.

They started pouring in from Alabama; Arkansas and Texarkana. We gathered here at Mom’s little small house. Most brought their RV’s but we all crowd in here, to cook, eat & fellowship, and I love every second of it. 

Cooking breakfast together, putting together puzzles; play games & attend the rodeo in Ft. Worth, TX, Coffee every morning and catch up on what’s going on in our lives. After we pray, laugh and cry over the ones we’ve lost; This year we even wound up  making home made tamales; and they were a hit! 

THIS is my special retreat.  I don’t sleep much while everyone is here because as hostess I’m too excited and I don’t want to miss anything.  

TRUE  giving story OF YEARS AGO

Papa stopped working on the family car when he seen the stranger approaching. It wasn’t unusual for strangers to stop by the church for help. We weren’t far off the main highway that ran through town and was an easy choice for someone needing a meal or a hand out.

“Howdy stranger.”

I watched papa stretch out his hand to welcome the stranger. I wasn’t sure papa should be so kind to this one. His beard touched his chest which was dirty and his coat torn. It looked like he had been in a bear fight and lost the war.

 “Hello sir. Are you the pastor?”

 “I’m trying.”

My daddy had come from a rough family until Jesus cleaned him up and he never forgot his humble background. Pride and arrogance didn’t like my father.

 “Can I help you?”

 “I’m just hitchhiking around the country telling people abut Jesus and need a little food.”

You have to be kidding me. He looked like he spent his time in honkey tonks to me and never darkened the church door.

 “Come on in. I’m sure my wife can fix you up.”

Thus my daddy invited this dirty person into the house I had to help clean up every Saturday. What was he thinking?

 Over a big plate of food Daddy and the hitchhiker talked about Jesus. Sure nuff he seemed to know a lot about the Bible and his eyes lit up while they shared some common favorite scriptures. My skepticism abated a tiny bit.


The next day was Thanksgiving and Papa invited the stranger to stay the night and eat with us. Good grief. Giving him a plate of food was a long stretch from inviting him to move in. Surely daddy had this all wrong. He should be sending him to the local shelter before he spread lice every where!


The Jesus man as I called him now, although I’m sure he had a name, was so grateful for a long hot shower and a bed made in the garage. Matter of fact I guess we were kinda like a mini local shelter because daddy had built a little room inside the big garage and mom had set up a bedroom complete with a clock and electric blanket since it got cold in New Mexico at this time of year.

That Jesus man moved right in and the next day entertained us kids and the cooks, while dinner was being assembled, with Jesus songs. We sang some for him too and he really liked it.

 In a few days he was gone; His clothes washed clean and his bushy beard scrubbed. That was one of many that stayed in the garage bedroom but the only one who was a Jesus man.~ JENKINS HERITAGE stories


Berberine; Natures Sunshine; Weight loss; Blood sugar

I know this is a Christmas edition of the newsletter, but I’m so thrilled about the herb formula by Nature’s Sunshine called Berberine IR.  

I began taking this about a month or so ago for keeping my blood sugar normal and healthy.  I’ve always had a problem with hypoglycemia.  Anyway I noticed I begin dropping some excess weight.  I thought it was a fluke but I had gotten back on a daily salad and thought that may be why.  

Well, I’ve continued to lose that hateful weight until I’m around 15-18 pounds lighter.  I’m loving it.  The real reason is the Berberine.  I’ve narrowed it down.  

So click this link and try it for yourself!

why I became an herbalist

In 2023 I had a milestone happen. For the first time in my life I ask my medical doctor for an antibiotic, as the infection I had fought for over a year was very persistent. I took the prescription for 7 days as recommended. I had stopped all herbs to allow it to work, but by the 4th day I was in pain so I got back on them. I wasn’t impressed with the meds. LOL

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